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Arkansas County Missing Person Directory
Missing People News, Directory and Updates in Arkansas

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Q: The person William Edward Davis Jr. is not a missing person His is alive and well
by Clifford Cope at ccope@crawford-county.o
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by GlennMette
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Arkansas County Missing People Directory
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Miranda Owens
Arkansas County

Cheryl Denise C0ttrell
Arkansas County

Ace Leonard Bilyeu
Arkansas County

Randy Charles Woodward
Arkansas County
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Missing People in Arkansas County, AR News Headlines
Journalist Cathy Frye found after becoming lost on hike in Texas
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reporter Cathy Frye , who had been missing in the Big Bend region of Texas, has been found, a person who answered the phone at a number listed as photojournalist Rick McFarland' s business. Frye and McFarland, a photographer for the Democrat-Gazette, are married. Frye is alive, but her condition is unknown. A spokesperson in the Presidio County, Texas, sheriff's office ...
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October 15 2013
Democrat-Gazette covers one of its own in story of reporter Cathy Frye's rescue
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's reports on the rescue of its reporter Cathy Frye, who was missing for days in the hot scrubby desert that is Big Bend Ranch State Park, are gripping. by Leslie Newell Peacock The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's reports on the rescue of its reporter Cathy Frye, who was missing for days in the hot scrubby desert that is Big Bend Ranch State Park, are gripping. Frye, who ...
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October 10 2013
Skull found in Arkansas River in 2008 is identified
FORT SMITH — Fort Smith police say a skull found in the Arkansas River more than five years ago has been identified as that of a man missing since 2007.
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October 01 2013
Frequent updates: 7 dead, 658 missing in Colorado floods
7 people are confirmed dead and thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed as historic flooding continues in Colorado. Refresh this article for the very latest from around the state. 5:51 p.m. - The flood warning for the Arkansas River at Avondale has been canceled. The river never reached flood stage and is not expected to. 3:54 p.m. - A flood warning continues until Wednesday for the ...
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September 16 2013
New Details In Search For Missing Fayetteville Girl

A young Arkansas woman disappears in the middle of the night, over one month ago and now her parents are...
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September 15 2013
Attorney General Brings Attention To Missing Persons Cases

LITTLE ROCK, AR- Families of missing persons attended a luncheon Saturday afternoon to hear from a kidnapping victim. The Arkansas Attorney General held the luncheon in response to a statewide missing-person's initiative called "Never Forgotten... Arkansas Take Action."
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September 15 2013
'Never Forgotten: Arkansas Takes Action' set for Sept. 14

Attorney General Dustin McDaniel will join with state and federal law enforcement agencies next month for the state's second annual event intended to help Arkansans locate their missing family members and loved ones.
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August 27 2013
Missing boys found alive on Howard Co. river
Two boys missing in Howard County, Arkansas have been found alive along the banks of the Cossatot River, which empties into Gillham Lake northeast of DeQueen.
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August 20 2013
Four Flood Victims Recovered
SCOTT COUNTY, AR --  Rescuers have found the body of Arkansas Game and Fish Officer Joel Campora and the final missing woman from Friday's storms.
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June 04 2013
Arkansas flash flooding kills sheriff, sweeps away officer, official says
Severe thunderstorms packing high winds, heavy rains, large hail and possibly tornadoes threatened eastern Oklahoma and much of Arkansas Friday, where flash flooding killed a sheriff and left a wildlife officer missing.The death of Scott County Sheriff Cody Carpenter was confirmed Friday by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, which said it was still in search-and-rescue mode for missing ...
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June 04 2013
Sheriff, warden missing in Ark floodwaters
The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management says the Scott County Sheriff and a game warden are missing in Scott County. Spokesman Tommy Jackson says the pair is "among the missing" in Scott County after severe weather caused widespread flooding in the state.
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June 04 2013
Body of missing Warren woman found; man held
The body of Warren woman missing for nine days was found Sunday in a grave in Monticello, according to a release from the Arkansas State Police.
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April 16 2013
Recovery to resume for police officer missing in Ark. river
Recovery crews are headed to eastern Arkansas this weekend to resume the search for the body of a police officer missing since he fell into St. Francis River six weeks ago.
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March 04 2013
Recovery to resume for man missing in Ark. river - WXVT-TV Delta News - More Local News and Weather
WYNNE, Ark. (AP) - Recovery crews are headed to eastern Arkansas this weekend to resume the search for the body of a police officer missing since he fell into St. Francis River six weeks ago.
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March 04 2013
Missing 6-year-old D.C. girl found in Arkansas
A 6-year-old girl reported missing from D.C. since Thursday night was located safe in Arkansas and her mother has been taken into custody, reports NBC 4.
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February 19 2013
Man missing since 2001 identified using DNA

LITTLE ROCK (AP) — A push to collect DNA samples from the relatives of missing people helped link the case of an east Arkansas man who disappeared in 2001 to a set of skeletal remains found in 2011, law enforcement officials said Friday.
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February 16 2013
Region 8 man missing since 2001 identified using DNA

Authorities say they've identified the remains of an east Arkansas man missing since 2001 using DNA samples taken from his family members last year at an event in Little Rock.
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February 15 2013
Ark. man missing since 2001 identified using DNA

Authorities say they've identified the remains of an east Arkansas man missing since 2001 using DNA samples taken from his family members last year at an event in Little Rock.
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February 15 2013
Earle man missing since ’01 identified

Authorities say they’ve identified the remains of an east Arkansas man missing since 2001 using DNA samples taken from his family members last year at an event in Little Rock.
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February 15 2013
River Search Continues For Missing Arkansas Deputy
CROSS COUNTY — Rescue boats took off on the St. Francis River in the dreary weather Sunday while dozens on...
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January 18 2013
Wynne, Arkansas Police Officer Missing
A Wynne, Arkansas police officer is missing near Forrest City.
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January 17 2013
Off-duty Wynne officer vanishes in east Arkansas river
Authorities in east Arkansas said a Wynne police officer is missing after falling into the St. Francis River.
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January 13 2013
Police seek man for neighbor's disappearance in Searcy County

MARSHALL, Ark. -- The Searcy County Sheriff’s Department and the Arkansas State Police are attempting to find Stoney J.L. Cox. He’s wanted for questioning and as a person of interest for the disappearance of a neighbor who lived next to Cox.
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January 11 2013
NOPD seeks missing man, woman from Arkansas
New Orleans police said they are looking for two people who went missing on Thursday night.
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December 21 2012
Truck, body of missing Ark. man found in Indiana
The discovery of a truck off Interstate 70 in Indiana solves the mystery of a missing Arkansas man.
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December 07 2012
Conviction upheld in Arkansas-Mississippi kidnapping case

The victim, Oliver Anderson, ruined his abductors' plans by screaming for help in the Isle of Capri, a busy Coahoma County, Miss., casino with plenty of security guards and surveillance cameras. The abductors ran.
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December 06 2012
UCA Internal Audit finds 'fraudulent behavior'
Officials at the University of Central Arkansas may have played favorites --- including renewing a scholarship worth thousands for a student who might not be qualified --- and turned a blind eye to questioning then Chief of Staff Jack Gillean about his missing key. That key was used to break into buildings and steal exams to cheat on tests, according to a draft internal audit report dated Monday.
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December 06 2012
Jersey Bridgeman Murder: Police Arrest Neighbor In Killing Of 6-Year-Old Arkansas Girl
Police in Arkansas say they have made an arrest in the slaying of a 6-year-old girl whose body was discovered two days before Thanksgiving in an abandoned house only two doors from where she was living. According to KHBS-KHOG-TV, Zachary Holly, 28, of Bentonville, was arrested Monday and charged with capital murder, kidnapping and residential [...] Jersey Bridgeman Murder: Police Arrest Neighbor ...
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December 06 2012
Arrest In Arkansas Girls Death
Was Reported Missing Shortly Before Her Body Was Found
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December 04 2012
IN PLAIN SIGHT: Most Wanted Fugitive May Be Hiding Among Mormons
Neighbor Arrested in Murder of 6-Year-Old Arkansas Girl Mom Reportedly Arrested After Missing Ohio Boy's Body Found
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December 03 2012
Silver Alert issued for missing man in Little Rock
Arkansas State Police have issued a Silver Alert for a man missing from Little Rock.
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December 01 2012
Trucker jailed after missing pork turns up in Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Arkansas health officials are disposing of $42,000 worth of meat after a Little Rock truck driver was accused of not delivering the hams and hot dogs and selling them himself from a refrigerated trailer.
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December 01 2012
Rape Charge Added Against Man Accused Of Killing 6-Year-Old Arkansas Girl
Zachary Holly, 28, was arrested Monday on suspicion of killing Jersey Bridgeman. He now faces charges of rape, capital murder, kidnapping and residential burglary.
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November 30 2012
Region 8 News Investigates: Arkansas Silver Alert system
Questions are being raised about how well the Arkansas Silver Alert system works after an alert was issued for a missing Bay woman who wasn't missing.
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November 29 2012
Hunter discovers human remains in Columbia County
MAGNOLIA (AP) - Authorities in south Arkansas say human remains discovered by a hunter in Columbia County may belong to an elderly man who went missing in March.
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November 29 2012
Neighbor charged with murder, rape of Jersey Bridgeman, 6
Zachary Holly, the Arkansas man charged Wednesday with the rape and murder of 6-year-old Jersey Bridgeman, had been babysitting the little girl the night before her disappearance, as he had many times before, according to a court document released after his first  …
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November 29 2012
Neighbor arrested in murder of Arkansas girl found in chains
A neighbor has been arrested as a suspect in the killing of a 6-year-old Arkansas girl whose high-profile child abuse case last year sent her father and stepmother to prison, police said. Jersey Bridgeman was reported missing the morning of Nov. 20. Minutes after a search for h …
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November 28 2012
Missing Bay woman found safe
NEW DETAILS: A missing Craighead County woman has been found safe after Arkansas State Police issued a Silver Alert.
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November 26 2012
Silver Alert issued for missing Bay woman
Arkansas State Police have issued a Silver Alert for a missing Craighead County woman.
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November 26 2012
Crews recover body of missing boater in Lake Columbia
Crews have recovered the body of a man who drowned in Lake Columbia near Magnolia, Arkansas on Sunday.
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November 04 2012
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