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Barstow Missing Person Directory
Barstow, California Missing People News and Directory

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Q: Joe Jennings of Daggett was reported missing on 2-23-13. Has anyone spoken to him or seen him? Is anyone aware of his whereabouts?
by concerned Suzie
A: To set up, lie on your left side with your left upper arm perpendicular to the floor. Your left shoulder should be directly stacked directly over your left elbow and your right leg should be stacked on your left leg. Raise your right arm straight up toward the ceiling with your right elbow fully extended. This is your starting position. All you must do is simply raise your body off the floor bracing your core and squeezing your glutes as you push upward. You should be supporting yourself totally on your left elbow and left foot. Ideally you want a straight line from your head, through your spine, core and legs, down to your feet. In this up position the work begins. Your core must be totally locked in so your hips don’t dip toward the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to lock in your shoulder girdle and your spine, so you don't slump. The side plank demands total commitment because now you’re supporting your weight on one arm, on one side of your body. This gives you a great shoulder stabilization workout (muscles worked include serratus anterior, traps, rhomboids, pecs), which is something older men also need. Isometric holds are great for stamina, using time under tension to increase your muscles' work load—so I’ve been using them with my clients for years, especially older ones who are experiencing more back issues. If it is difficult to hold the side plank position from your feet, drop down to your knees to shorten the lever. However, continue to keep a straight line from your head, through your spine and hips, to your knees. If you struggle to support yourself or experience shoulder pain, stop and consider speaking to a PT before you add the move to your routine. To get started, try holding the side plank for 20 seconds, on each side of your body. Notice how your shoulders feel doing them. If you feel fine doing that, extend your time and shoot for 30, 45, then even 60 seconds. But like other plank variation, marathon hold sessions going beyond a minute aren't particularly effective. Cap your work at 60 seconds, working to hold perfect posture for the duration of the period rather than focusing on the clock.
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Barstow Missing People Directory
To find a missing person click on the first letter of his Last Name.

Priscilla Sue Delzell
San Bernardino County

Teddy Ray Morris
San Bernardino County

Travess Shaun Malone
San Bernardino County
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Missing People in Barstow, CA News Headlines
Barstow man, Newberry Springs woman still missing
Law enforcement agencies have still not located either of the two locals who went missing earlier this month, though families have not given up hope. As of Thursday, Barstow Police detectives had no new information regarding the disappearance of Paul...
Read Article
August 27 2012
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