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Newark Missing Person Directory
Newark, Delaware Missing People News and Directory

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Newark Missing People Directory
To find a missing person click on the first letter of his Last Name.

Adrian Anderson
New Castle County

Norman Hugh Ramsay
New Castle County

John E Dohms
New Castle County

Doris Anne Wood
New Castle County
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Missing People in Newark, DE News Headlines
One year later, Dohms family still waiting and hoping for answers
Newark, del. — One September afternoon last year, retired University of Delaware professor John Dohms walked away from his Newark home and was reported missing when he failed to return. Now, one year
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September 28 2013
Amber Alert Issued In Delaware For Possible Child Abduction
The New Castle County Police Department is investigating a possible abduction of a juvenile, described as a white female between the ages of 10 and 12.
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September 25 2013
Amber Alert in effect, search for girl continues in Newark, Delaware
An Amber Alert remains in effect as Delaware State Police search for a young girl who witnesses say was kidnapped.
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September 25 2013
Amber Alert issued for girl in Newark, Delaware

The Delaware State Police have issued an Amber Alert for a young girl who was abducted in Newark.
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September 24 2013
Police confirm possible link between missing Newark woman and ‘mystery woman Linda’ in Toronto
Police believe Linda Hegg, the local woman Newark Police reported as missing Nov. 5, could be the same Linda who showed up at a shelter in Toronto, Canada two months ago, providing no information about herself except her first name.
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November 17 2012
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