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Missing People in Ellsworth, ME News Headlines
Bucksport Burglary Reported
BUCKSPORT — A report came into police Dec. 9 of a no-force burglary on the Millvale Road. Reported missing from the resident’s garage were a snow blower, winch and truck tires. The total value of the stolen items was $4,000. The incident remains under investigation. For more police & court news, pick up a copy of The Ellsworth American.
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December 12 2012
Missing Scallop Guts Located
The case of the missing scallop guts has been solved. According to Ellsworth police, the scallop "parts" have been found and arrangements are being made to return them to the owner. These aren't just any scallop guts. Andy Mays of Southwest Harbor had been collecting scallops for six months . . .
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November 28 2012
Search for Missing Juvenile Leads to Arrest
ELLSWORTH — On Nov. 13, Sgt. Glenn Moshier located a juvenile who was reported missing from Mount Desert and returned the girl to the custody of her father. Separately, as a result of that investigation, 38-year-old Danyelle McGarr of Seal Cove was arrested for violation of condition of release. Police said McGarr was arrested after she “tested positive for several illegal drugs.” For more ...
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November 20 2012
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