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Luke Sanburg
Park County
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Missing People in Park County, MT News Headlines
FBI gives no new information in Cody Lee Johnson death
NBC Montana is taking a closer look at the ongoing investigation into Cody Lee Johnson's death, the 25-year-old from Kalispell who went missing on July 7, whose body was discovered days later in Glacier National Park.
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August 30 2013
Man, woman located in Highlands County
The Nassau County Sheriff's Office says the missing couple Ruth Anna Curry and Robert M. Mann were located safe in their residence in Avon Park in Highland County.
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November 25 2012
Quiet Heroes
The call can arrive any time on any day. There are no exceptions, not even Christmas Eve or during Thanksgiving dinner. When there’s a missing person reported in the outdoors of the Flathead Valley, a select community of men and women, mostly volunteers, stop everything they’re doing and load up. The successful rescue of two missing hikers in Glacier National Park earlier this month illustrated ...
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November 02 2012
Steep Reward Offered for Info on Poaching Incidents
State wildlife enforcement officers are offering a steep reward for information about a string of poaching incidents near Whitefish over the past two years. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is offering $4,450 for information about the illegal shooting of at least 19 deer. The deer were shot and left to rot and some were missing their antlers. Most of the shootings occurred at night on Farm to ...
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November 01 2012
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