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Robyn Ann Pettinato
Flathead County
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Missing People in Whitefish, MT News Headlines
Amber Alert suspect nabbed in Whitefish fighting extradition
MISSOULA - A Canadian man who is accused of abducting his son from a supervised visit and then crossing the border into Montana is fighting his extradition to British Columbia.
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December 03 2012
Steep Reward Offered for Info on Poaching Incidents
State wildlife enforcement officers are offering a steep reward for information about a string of poaching incidents near Whitefish over the past two years. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is offering $4,450 for information about the illegal shooting of at least 19 deer. The deer were shot and left to rot and some were missing their antlers. Most of the shootings occurred at night on Farm to ...
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November 01 2012
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