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Gardnerville Missing People Directory
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Edgard Cruz Jamias
Douglas County
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Missing People in Gardnerville, NV News Headlines
Brother's persistence found missing woman, sister says
CARSON CITY - The sister of a Gardnerville, Nevada woman who was found Wednesday night along a Sierra highway credits their brother with finding Paula Lane after she was stranded in snow for six days.
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December 07 2012
Missing Gardnerville Couple Found, Man Dead
A Gardnerville couple who went missing last week has reportedly been found Wednesday night. The missing man has died.
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December 06 2012
Couple driving from Citrus Heights to Nev. disappears
CITRUS HEIGHTS - Ground and aerial searches have not turned up any sign of a missing couple who left Citrus Heights last Thursday for Gardnerville, Nevada.
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December 06 2012
Have you seen this missing couple?
CITRUS HEIGHTS - Ground and aerial searches have not turned up any signs of a missing couple who left Citrus Heights last Thursday for Gardnerville, Nevada.
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December 06 2012
Gardnerville Boy Found Safe After He Was Reported Missing
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office says a Gardnerville boy was found safe after he was reported missing Monday morning.
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November 02 2012
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