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Kristi Suzanne Krebs Missing Person News and Details

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Kristi Suzanne Krebs Went Missing In Fort Bragg California in August 1993

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: August 09, 1993

Circumstances: Unknown. Kristi was last seen leaving her job in the vicinity of the 740 block of S. Main St. Her vehicle was later located abandoned in the Jackson State Forest. Kristi's bra, panties, wallet, and driver's license were found inside the vehicle. She has a medical condition.
First Name: Kristi Suzanne
Middle Name: Suzanne
Last Name: Krebs


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 140.0


City: Fort Bragg
State: California
County: Mendocino


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Deformities: Right thumb deformed
Scars And Marks: several large moles on right side of neck
Piercings: pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Royal blue shirt with 'Round Table Pizza' imprinted on upper left corner.


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