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Ellen Wruble Greenberg Missing Person News and Details

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Ellen Wruble Greenberg Went Missing In Nazareth Pennsylvania in June 2015

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: June 24, 2015 at 20:15

Circumstances: Ellen was taken to Life Church Nazareth to meet pastor there. She walked away from meeting him, saying she doesn't need help. She suffered from delusions that she had no family, while family is very loving and is devastated by her going missing.

First Name: Ellen Wruble
Middle Name: Wruble
Last Name: Greenberg


Age When Last Known Alive: 42
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0
Weight: 125.0


City: Nazareth
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 18064
County: Northampton


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: She wears brown hair wig, but has gray hair (sparse) underneath due to her two brain tumor surgeries.
Eye: Green
Artificial Body Parts: Ellen wears brace on her right leg, due to difficulties walking from her brain surgery. Ellen's right arm is held close to her body because she has very limited ability to use it or move it.
Ellen is left handed and can write legibly.

Other Distinctive: Ellen walks with uneven gait, due to her brain surgery. Her right leg does not move smoothly.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black t shirt and capri slacks
Footwear: Black sneakers
Eyewear: Glasses


Ellen can not drive and did not drive away.

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