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Eric Paul Jones Missing Person News and Details

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Eric Paul Jones Went Missing In Doddridge Arkansas in July 2015

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Eric Jones

Facial/case ID
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Eric Jones and 2006 GMC Pickup

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Eric Jones


Last seen alive: July 07, 2015

Circumstances: Mr. Jones left his residence on July 07, 2015 and has not been seen or heard from since. He was reported missing by a family member after having no contact with him.
First Name: Eric Paul
Middle Name: Paul
Last Name: Jones


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0
Weight: 234.0


City: Doddridge
State: Arkansas
County: Miller


Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Tattoos: TAT on Back

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: General Motor C
Vehicle Model: Acadia
Year: 2006
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 86101S1
Tag State: California
Expiration Year: 2015

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