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Dale Kerstetter Went Missing In Bradford Pennsylvania in September 1987

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: September 13, 1987

Circumstances: On September 12, 1987, Kerstetter who had been employed as a security guard by Corning Glass Works, Inc for 27-years. was assigned to work the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. He was supposed to check in every hour, but did not do so. Between midnight and 1:00 a.m., while Kerstetter was the only guard on duty, video cameras in operation at the plant recorded that an unidentified, masked man entered the plant and was approached by Kerstetter. The two men met in a corridor, where they spoke for a short time. Another camera later recorded an unidentified man entering the platinum area. The next day, Kerstetter was reported missing. Several days later it was discovered that platinum having a value of $250,000 was also missing. Investigation disclosed no sign of forced entry, and there was no evidence that a struggle had occurred. Kerstetter's gun was found to be missing from its holster, which was in Kerstetter's truck in the parking lot. However, there was no evidence that any gun had been fired. The amount of platinum removed from the plant was such that it could have been carried easily by one person. The disappearance of the platinum and also of Kerstetter are the subjects of continuing investigations by the Bradford Township Police, the Pennsylvania State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kerstetter has not been seen or heard from since September 13, 1987.
First Name: Dale
Last Name: Kerstetter


Age When Last Known Alive: 50
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 64.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Bradford
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 16701
County: Mckean


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Receding.
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


His pick-up truck was left in the parking lot of the plant. His keys were still in the ignition, and he left behind a full carton of cigarettes, an empty gun holster from his .22-caliber pistol, and his daypack.

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