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Melvin Alexander Gomez Alvarez Missing Person News and Details

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Melvin Alexander Gomez Alvarez Went Missing In Mcallen Texas in February 2015

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: February 19, 2015

Circumstances: Melvin was with a small group of people from El Salvador attempting to cross from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico to McAllen, Texas, US. On 19 FEB 2015, he contacted his family while in Reynosa to let them know that he was about to cross. A few days later, the family learned that they had made it across the river and were hiding at a ranch in McAllen, waiting for an opportune moment to keep moving. It is possible that the group scattered while crossing the river due to being spotted by Border Patrol. Melvin has not been seen or heard from since 19 FEB 2015.
First Name: Melvin Alexander
Middle Name: Alexander
Last Name: Gomez Alvarez


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: Other
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Mcallen
State: Texas
County: Hidalgo


Hair: Black
Head Hair: tight, curly hair
Eye: Brown
Skeletal Information: No history of any falls or incidents that would have severely impacted the skeleton

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black denim pants, black t-shirt, Nike sweatshirt (maybe of a soccer team)
Accessories: Kept his ID in his tennis shoe


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