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Frank Richard Mercieca Missing Person News and Details

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Frank Richard Mercieca Went Missing In Ferndale Michigan in November 2015

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: November 04, 2015

Circumstances: The cellphone company puts him in the Oak Park- Ferndale- Royal Oak- Huntington woods area probably from 8 mile north to 12 mile and from coolidge hwy east and just past woodward to I-75. He will most likely be with his car. If he or his car is found please call the Ferndale police at 248-541-3650 and press 4 for the dispatcher.
First Name: Frank Richard
Middle Name: Richard
Last Name: Mercieca


Age When Last Known Alive: 57
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Ferndale
State: Michigan
County: Oakland


Hair: Unknown or Completely Bald
Head Hair: Bald with grey out growth
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Has a Maltese cross tattoo on one of his biceps.

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Focus
Year: 2003
Vehicle Color: Dark blue
Tag Number: BKH 9742
Tag State: Michigan
The driver's side view mirror is damaged and is attached by tor the door by screws. There is damage to the front passenger side from an accident. The car is in poor physical condition and will stand out from newer cars.

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