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Tricia Bryanne Mcelroy Missing Person News and Details

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Tricia Bryanne Mcelroy Went Missing In Punta Gorda Florida in January 2016

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: January 21, 2016 at 01:23

First Name: Tricia Bryanne
Middle Name: Bryanne
Last Name: Mcelroy


Age When Last Known Alive: 17
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 100.0 to


City: Punta Gorda
State: Florida
Zip: 33955
County: Charlotte


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Blackish short emo style cut
Body Hair: None
Facial Hair: None
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Scars on legs and arms from cutting
Piercings: Guaged ears with pink spikes

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Usually wears a sock cap that says 'samcro' on it on a black patch.
Footwear: Black tennis shoes


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