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Diane Louise Wolf Missing Person News and Details

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Diane Louise Wolf Went Missing In Hanover Pennsylvania in January 1999

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: January 29, 1999 at 07:33

Circumstances: Diane Wolf was last seen on January 29, 1999.

That day Wolf had worked an 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift at Hanover Foods on Route 116, relieving her mother, who ran the same machine on the 3 to 11 p.m. shift.

She left work, went to her Conewago Township home, put her lunch box on the kitchen table, and went to the bank. Surveillance cameras at the Allfirst bank on Dart Drive confirmed Wolf deposited $300 at about 7:33 a.m. that morning. Wolf hasn't been seen or heard from since.

Family and co-workers began to worry when Wolf didn't show up at work that night. The police were called the next day. After family members notified 911, the Conewago Township Police was dispatched to Wolf's home at 19 Sycamore Lane. The investigation was then turned over to Pennsylvania State Police.

Her vehicle, described as a turquoise 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix was located, locked and secured, two days later, in the Weis Market parking lot, where her sister worked, in Hanover, PA.

Wolf left behind her cell phone, which was uncharacteristic of her. And none of her clothing or personal belongings were missing from her closet. Her purse has never been found and her credit cards, which Wolf often used instead of cash, have never been used.

Her family doesn't think she left on her own. She also had plans at the time. Her dauhter, then pregnant, was supposed to move from Virginia to her mom's home. Wolf had arranged a baby shower and put a crib on layaway. She'd already scheduled the four weeks of vacation she'd take from work that year.

She was declared legally dead in 2006. After hearing testimony from Wolf's husband, son and two investigators on the case, an Adams County Judge declared Wolf deceased. Her date of death is listed as January 30, 2006. Her husband testified they never had any serious marital problems that would have caused her to leave. And Diane had never been unaccounted for before.

First Name: Diane Louise
Middle Name: Louise
Last Name: Wolf


Age When Last Known Alive: 45
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 175.0 to


City: Hanover
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 17331
County: Adams


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short hair with reddish tint
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on abdomen
Tattoos: 'purple rose' on left ankle
Piercings: Both ears triple pierced

Clothing and Accessories


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