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Jacqueline G Simpson Went Missing In Vandergrift Pennsylvania in February 1982

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: February 28, 1982

Circumstances: On February 28, 1982 Jackie Simpson didn't return to her daughter's apartment after tending bar at the former Magic Lamp Bar and Grill in Vandergrift. She was last seen just after midnight with Gary R. Kunish, the bar's owner with whom she had an on-again, off-again relationship.
Prior to her disappearance, the mother of seven had ended an on-again, off-again relationship with Kunish just before Christmas 1981. She had since begun to date a man from Vandergrift.
Later that morning, Simpson was reported missing when she failed to return home. Spots of blood was found in the bar.
Jacqueline Simpson has never been found despite intensive police searches. Scuba divers searched two Westmoreland County lakes and helicopters made sweeps over the Alle-Kiski Valley. Other areas that were searched include the Braeburn area of Lower Burrell, areas of water in Allegheny Township, the wooded area by the Bonfire Restaurant on Route 56, a cave behind the former Woodland Drive-In in Parks, the basement of the Magic Lamp, and the former Varos Landfill in Buffalo Township.
Gary Kunish was convicted for murdering Simpson in 1982. Prosecutors won the case despite having no murder weapon, no eyewitness, no confession and no body.

First Name: Jacqueline G
Middle Name: G
Last Name: Simpson


Age When Last Known Alive: 44
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 135.0 to


City: Vandergrift
State: Pennsylvania
County: Westmoreland


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Unknown or Missing

Clothing and Accessories


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