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Morgan Chauntel Nick Missing Person News and Details

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Morgan Chauntel Nick Went Missing In Alma Arkansas in June 1995

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Age progression


Last seen alive: June 09, 1995 at 10:45

Circumstances: At 10:45 PM on June 9, 1995 in Alma, Arkansas, six-year-old Morgan Nick was abducted from a little league ball game by an unidentified man. Witnesses observed a man watching Morgan as she was playing with other children at the park. The witnesses also saw a red Ford pickup with a white camper parked nearby that disappeared at the same time as Morgan. The man was described as white, 6 feet tall, with a medium to solid build, a mustache and a 1-inch beard. He is believed to have been 23-38 years old at the time of the abduction.
First Name: Morgan Chauntel
Middle Name: Chauntel
Last Name: Nick


Age When Last Known Alive: 6
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 48.0
Weight: 55.0


City: Alma
State: Arkansas
Zip: 72921
County: Crawford


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Morgan was last seen wearing a green Girl Scout t-shirt and blue denim shorts.

Footwear: Morgan was last seen wearing white tennis shoes.


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Vehicle Color: Red
Morgan was possibly abducted by a man driving a red Ford pickup truck with a white camper shell.

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