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John Beck Missing Person News and Details

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John Beck Went Missing In Alameda California in February 2016

Actual photo
Public viewable
Photo of John Beck, 2009


Last seen alive: February 09, 2016 at 09:06

Circumstances: He was last seen getting onto an OUTBOUND BART train at Civic Center 12th St in Oakland, California. The train was headed toward Millbrae and left at 9:06am. We do not know where he got off the train but we think it was somewhere in San Francisco, probably Powell St or Montgomery St.
First Name: John
Last Name: Beck


Age When Last Known Alive: 73
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0 to
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Alameda
State: California
Zip: 94501
County: Alameda


Hair: White
Head Hair: he is bald on top with a ring of grey hair
Body Hair: white
Facial Hair: white
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: green checkered shirt, navy blue pants, black belt
Footwear: brown shoes
Eyewear: reading glasses


He was last seen getting into a BART car at Civic Center BART in Oakland on 12th st. He was getting on the OUTBOUND Bart train to Millbrae at 9:06am. We do not know where he got off but suspect somewhere in SF, probably Embarcadero, Montgomery, or Powell St stations.

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