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Chip Michael Campbell Missing Person News and Details

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Chip Michael Campbell Went Missing In Milton Florida in March 2016

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 06, 2016 at 03:06

Circumstances: Chip was last seen by his brother on March 5, 2016. He spent the day with his brother and was dropped back off at his home on Ward Basin Road around 6:30 ppm. Chip's roommate placed a 'cry for help' post on her Facebook stating that the day before she came home, the house was in disarray with mud tracked throughout the house and Chip was nowhere to be found. She stated she called jails and hospitals to locate him but did not find him. She also stated his cell phone was in the master bathroom, but the battery was out and had been factory reset so no information could be obtained.
First Name: Chip Michael
Middle Name: Michael
Last Name: Campbell


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 190.0 to


City: Milton
State: Florida
Zip: 32583
County: Santa Rosa


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Chip has a full head of hair which is predominantly brown with some gray. His hair may be near shoulder length.
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Left upper arm, frog with bat wings, outer space scene
Piercings: Chip has a nose piercing but has been seen wearing the nose ring for a very long time.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Green shirt and jeans


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