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Angela Marie Russo Missing Person News and Details

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Angela Marie Russo Went Missing In Maricopa Arizona in April 2016

Facial/case ID
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Actual photo
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Actual photo
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Last seen alive: April 19, 2016 at 22:30

Circumstances: On 4/19/16 at approximately 10:30 PM Angela Russo was last contacted in Maricopa, Arizona. She may have traveled to Phoenix, Arizona. Her vehicle, a blue 2007 Honda Accord with Arizona License Plate BNL1629 is also missing. Her family is very concerned for her welfare.
First Name: Angela Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Russo


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Maricopa
State: Arizona
County: Pinal


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: With burgundy highlights
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Ladybug tattoo behind left ear
Wings tattoo on her wrists
Songbird tattoo on her right foot
Water colored rose tattoo on her right hip
'Promise' tattoo on her ring finger
Tigger and Eeyore in a tree tattoo on her left back
Bella botch a Nono and Nona scrolled between flowers tattoo on her right back.

Piercings: Ears pierced
Other Distinctive: Freckles

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Honda
Vehicle Model: Accord
Year: 2007
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: BNL1629
Tag State: Arizona
Expiration Year: 2017

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