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David Bryant Cottle Missing Person News and Details

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David Bryant Cottle Went Missing In Wilmington North Carolina in March 2013


Last seen alive: March 09, 2013

Circumstances: David Bryant Cottle Jr. was last seen by his aunt on 03/09/2013 at about 1200 hours at the residence in the Murrayville area of New Hanover County, just north of Wilmington. Family left the residence at that time and when she returned at about 1800 hours Cottle was not there. It appeared that a light tan hard bound journal and a gray and green backpack were missing from his room. He was last seen wearing a white T-shirt with a graphic print on the front, blue jeans, flip flops, a blue jacket, and a knit hat/toboggan. Cottle is a white male, about 5'10' tall and 190 pounds, with long reddish brown hair, blue eyes, and a tribal band tattoo on his right bicep. He was 40 years old at the time. He was known to walk in the woods near the residence and an extensive search was conducted with no results.
First Name: David Bryant
Middle Name: Bryant
Last Name: Cottle


Age When Last Known Alive: 40
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Wilmington
State: North Carolina
Zip: 28411
County: New Hanover


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Long reddish brown hair
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Tribal band tattoo on right bicep

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: White T-shirt with a graphic design on the front, blue jeans, blue jacket, knit hat/toboggan
Footwear: Flip flops
Eyewear: Glasses
Accessories: Gray and green backpack, light tan hard bound journal


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