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Carol Frances Norton Went Missing In El Cerrito California in June 1965

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Carol Frances Metzener 1957 Torrance High School

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Carol Frances Metzener 1956 Torrance High School


Last seen alive: June 02, 1965

Circumstances: Carol Frances Norton, described as slender and nearly blind, was last seen on June 2, 1965. Her sister went to visit her at her trailer home on June 3 and found the lights on and coffee on the stove.

Her husband, Harvey Arnold Norton, was arrested and charged with the $11,700 holdup of a Sandia, TX bank on July 14, 1965. Norton told investigators that he had left his wife in a Portland, OR motel on June 14 after quarreling. He traveled to Texas after that.

Harvey Norton's vehicle was found abandoned in downtown Corpus Christi, TX. Inside, investigators found bloodstained floor mats with strands of human hair and a dirty shovel.

Norton was convicted and served jail time for the robbery. In 1971, Norton drove to an isolated trailer home in Marshall, TX. He bound the two teenage girls who lived there and stole their fathers rifle. When one of the girls boyfriend showed up and tried to save them, Norton killed the boy. After eating vanilla wafers with peanut butter and drinking a six-pack of beer, he used the same rifle to kill himself.

First Name: Carol Frances
Middle Name: Frances
Last Name: Norton


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 100.0 to


City: El Cerrito
State: California
County: Contra Costa


Hair: Brown
Eye: Unknown or Missing
Other Distinctive: Described as nearly blind and wore thick glasses

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Described as nearly blind, would have been wearing thick glasses


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