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Eric Randolph Pracht Missing Person News and Details

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Eric Randolph Pracht Went Missing In Lakewood Colorado in July 2016

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 22, 2016

Circumstances: Eric was last seen walking through the Lakewood Vista Condominiums at Green Mountain near Alameda and Jewell at approx. 12:30 AM. Eric was barefoot at the time carrying only his keys, cell phone and wallet. Eric is a paramedic and his fiancé, family/friends, and coworkers describe him as a very responsible person who would never miss work.
First Name: Eric Randolph
Middle Name: Randolph
Last Name: Pracht


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 170.0 to


City: Lakewood
State: Colorado
County: Jefferson


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Star of life tattoo (paramedic emblem with snake) with words 'SERVING SINCE 2010' on right chest; Video game character Sub-Zero on calf in blue; Ambulance tattoo on abdomen just beneath star of life tattoo; Star Wars character (Boba Fett) on left forearm; Green Bay Packer helmet on right calf; Crown spanning across top of back; Angel on one shoulder, demon on other -- unsure which side each was on; Mike Meyers tattoo on left chest; Jason Voorhies (Friday the 13th) tattoo under Mike Meyers tattoo on chest; Last name (PRACHT) down one arm (unsure which); Skyroom dragon tattoo on right forearm; Left forearm 'Denver'
Other Distinctive: Often gets rash around navel from belt buckle

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue t-shirt with video game characters on front (see photo), khaki cargo shorts, black ankle socks, and dark green cloth belt with metal rings
Footwear: Eric was not wearing shoes at the time of his disappearance
Accessories: Carrying wallet, keys, and cell phone


Eric was last seen on foot (barefoot)

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