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Clinton William Miller Missing Person News and Details

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Clinton William Miller Went Missing In Liberty Texas in May 2015

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Last seen alive: May 25, 2015

Circumstances: Clint has not been seen or heard from since Memorial Day, May 25, 2015, around 5:00 am. His home burnt down later on that day between 8:00 and 8:30 pm.
First Name: Clinton William
Middle Name: William
Last Name: Miller


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0 to
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Liberty
State: Texas
Zip: 77575
County: Liberty


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Closely shaved
Body Hair: No body hair
Facial Hair: No body hair
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Scar on back of head, approx. 1.5 inches in length
Tattoos: 1. Front of Right leg (above knee): a hand with the middle finger raised
2. Left Shoulder (front): 'her spot'
3. Right Hand (back, btwn thumb & pointer): three black dots in triangle formation
4. Right Foot (top): toe tag with his Name, Date of Birth, and Date he died but was resuscitated (10/??)2007)
5. Right Buttock: 'Your Name'
6. Right Bicep,: Chinese symbol
7. Left Bicep: 'CTC TRUST'
8. Left Shoulder: solid black cross with outline
9. Right Shoulder: solid black cross with outline
10. Left Shoulder Blade: Praying Hands holding rosary beads with 'I am my brother's keeper'
11. Right Shoulder Blade: Arch Angel
12. Left Rib Cage: 'KALOB' going down vertically
13. Right Rib Cage: 'GABRIEL' going down vertically
14. Left Pectoral: 'Natalie'
15. Left side of abdomen: two lightning bolts with head of peckerwood bird and '100%'
16. Right Calf (outside): Cross with names 'SAVANNAH' (vertical inside cross) and 'TREVOR' (horizontal inside cross)
17. Right Pelvic area: stiches
18. Left Calf (wrapping from back of leg around outside; unfinished): skull and unfinished face

Piercings: Both nipples and tongue
Skeletal Information: Scar on back of skull

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: Tongue ring, nipple rings, silver necklace with cross pendant, nylon necklace with black puzzle piece


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