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Mary Margaret Cook Missing Person News and Details

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Mary Margaret Cook Went Missing In Highland City Florida in November 1970

Actual photo

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: November 14, 1970

Circumstances: NCIC# M-557539294 Mrs. Cook was a stay-at-home mom, her husband worked and stayed hours away in Palm Beach County. The weekend of her disappearance she had backed out of a camping trip with her parents and siblings saying that her husband, 'Earl' had called to say he was coming home. Her husband returned, their oldest son recalls arguing and his father's stern orders 'not to look outside.' The son believes that Margaret's body may have been wrapped in a red blanket which Earl retrieved from the house. Earl reported Margaret missing during the wee hours of the next morning. Her car and purse were found in a local department store parking lot. However, no eyewitnesses could place her or her car at the scene during business hours.Margaret has not been seen or heard from since. It is likely that she would have been concealed within hours distance of the home.
First Name: Mary Margaret
Middle Name: Margaret
Last Name: Cook


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 58.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Highland City
State: Florida
County: Polk


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Hair was shoulder length and wavy/curly.
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Right ankle, discolored.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: She had told her mother she was making a new dress of green material.
Footwear: Unknown
Jewelry: Her wedding rings were at home.
Eyewear: Her glasses are believed to have been in her purse. She could not see without them. They were cat's eye style frames. Also referred to as 'horn-rimmed.'
Accessories: Unknown


Vehicle Make: Cadillac
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Year: 1959
Style: Coupe
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag State: Florida
Vehicle was located immediately.

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