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Barbara Ann Keenen Missing Person News and Details

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Barbara Ann Keenen Went Missing In Coatesville Pennsylvania in July 2016


Last seen alive: July 09, 2016 at 07:11

Circumstances: Ms. Keenan sought treatment at the Brandywine Hospital on July 09, 2016 and has not been seen or heard from since she was discharged on the same day. Ms. Keenan lives on the 1000 block of Market Street in Marcus Hook, Delaware County. Ms. Keenan suffers from medical conditions which require her to take medication daily. She stands and walks with a lean to the right side. She is missing a top tooth that is noticeable when she smiles. Ms. Keenan is 5-feet 2-inches tall with a medium build. She has dark hair with red highlights, and often styles her hair in a braided pony tail down her back. She was last seen with her hair pulled back and hanging down in front of her right shoulder. She was wearing a tie-dyed short sleeve shirt (white and pink/red horizontal coloring with circular writing on front and back), dark capri (mid-calf) jeans with fading on the right front shin area, and purple crocs.
First Name: Barbara Ann
Middle Name: Ann
Last Name: Keenen


Age When Last Known Alive: 52
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 130.0 to


City: Coatesville
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 19320
County: Chester


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown hair with red highlights usually worn in a braided pony tail down her back.
Eye: Green
Tattoos: Dragon on back
Chinese writing or symbol on wrist
Fish on pelvic area

Other Distinctive: Exhibits a distinctive lean to her right side while standing and walking.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Tie-dyed short sleeve shirt (white and pink/red horizontal coloring with circular writing on front and back), dark capri (mid-calf) jeans with fading on the right front shin area.
Footwear: Purple crocs.


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