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Mike Gene Randle Missing Person News and Details

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Mike Gene Randle Went Missing In Fort Worth Texas in July 2016

Actual photo
Public viewable
Mike in 2013

Actual photo
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Last seen alive: July 30, 2016

Circumstances: After dropping his wife off at her mother's house, Mike left to go to their new home which he was renovating. There is evidence that he made it to the home because groceries that he and his wife purchased earlier that night were in the refrigerator. On Sunday, his wife could not get in contact with him and began to worry because as leaders of the worship team, they were supposed to be going to church and she had not spoken with him nor had he come to pick her up. When she arrived at the new home to check on him, the car was not there, the back door was unlocked, large construction tools were missing, and the radio was still playing. The family tried calling his phone all day only for it to ring twice and then go to voicemail. Eventually the phone did not ring at all and just went straight to voicemail.
First Name: Mike Gene
Middle Name: Gene
Last Name: Randle


Age When Last Known Alive: 60
Race: Black/African Americ
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Zip: 76105
County: Tarrant


Hair: Black
Head Hair: full head of hair with partial gray
Eye: Brown
Finger And Toe Nails: one of his thumbnails had a split
Other Distinctive: he had a gap between his two front teeth and his right front tooth was set at an angle which made it protrude

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: blue jeans and white t-shirt


Vehicle Make: Honda
Vehicle Model: CRV
Year: 2003
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: CD2P007
Tag State: Texas
long, white, horizontal scratch along driver's side door

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