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John Charles Cizek Went Missing In Alamosa Colorado in June 2016

Actual photo
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Cizek last seen at McDonalds in Alamosa 6/12/16

Facial/case ID
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DL photo of Cizek

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Cizek's RV

Actual photo
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Recent image submitted by family


Last seen alive: June 12, 2016

Circumstances: Cizek was traveling alone by RV from CA for gold mining and had other future trips planned and paid for. He was last seen on 06/12/16 at McDonalds on video eating lunch. David Little was taken into custody in Denver Metro area on felony warrants on 06/21/2016 after a shootout with officers. Cizek's ID was recovered on Little's person and Cizek's RV was recovered in Jefferson County and had been under the control of David Little. Based upon evidence inside the RV, Little was charged with Cizek's murder, but Cizek's body has not been recovered. Little made trips to and from the Alamosa area in the dates between 06/12-06/21.
First Name: John Charles
Middle Name: Charles
Last Name: Cizek


Age When Last Known Alive: 71
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 75.0
Weight: 200.0 to


City: Alamosa
State: Colorado
Zip: 81101
County: Alamosa


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Short to medium in length - white gray color
Body Hair: Unknown
Facial Hair: Unknown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Gray or light green colored shirt or collared jacket
White t-shirt
Dark pants
White socks

Footwear: Gray or tan shoes
Jewelry: unknown
Eyewear: unknown


Vehicle Make: Winnebago Indus
Vehicle Model: Motorized Home
Year: 2016
Style: Van/Minivan
Vehicle Color: Tan and Brown
Tag Type: Temporary tags
Tag State: California
Cizek's RV (recovered) : Brand new Minnie Winnie Winnebago RV on a Ford F350 vehicle'Tuscan Gold' color

Little's Jeep Cherokee (recovered): 1992 white Jeep Cherokee Sport

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