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Nellie Florence Flickinger Missing Person News and Details

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Nellie Florence Flickinger Went Missing In Erie Pennsylvania in March 1979

Facial/case ID

Actual photo


Last seen alive: March 01, 1979

Circumstances: She was only back in Erie (From Arizona) for a short while. When she left, she said she was going to California to get life together, and come back for her children.
First Name: Nellie Florence
Middle Name: Florence
Last Name: Flickinger


Age When Last Known Alive: 29
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 120.0 to


City: Erie
State: Pennsylvania
County: Erie


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Medium to long length
Eye: Brown
Deformities: One leg is believed to be smaller in size, due to a leg injury
Scars And Marks: She had numerous skin grafts done due to a motorcycle accident when she was a teenager

Clothing and Accessories


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