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Torchie Jolene Boyd Missing Person News and Details

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Torchie Jolene Boyd Went Missing In Nacogdoches Texas in June 2008

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: June 21, 2008

Circumstances: Torchie was living with her Boyfriend Earnet who was found dead by suicide on June 25, 2008. Her twin boys aged 3 at the time of disappearance have told us that Daddy killed mommy and put her in the water. They lived on lake Nacogdoches. Police took cadaver dogs and searched but found nothing. Torchie would have never left her children. Her purse was sitting at their residence. We need closure and need to find her body. We fear the kids memory is not clear due to their ages. We are not sure where her body is.
First Name: Torchie Jolene
Middle Name: Jolene
Last Name: Boyd


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0 to
Weight: 100.0 to


City: Nacogdoches
State: Texas
County: Nacogdoches


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: brown and gray with below the shoulder haircut, revised
Body Hair: fine
Facial Hair: fine
Eye: Hazel

Clothing and Accessories


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