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Rodney Wunderlich Missing Person News and Details

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Rodney Wunderlich Went Missing In Lake Havasu City Arizona in July 2016

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 21, 2016

Circumstances: Rodney was last seen going to a friends apartment on 07/21/16. He was reportedly dropped off in the parking lot of the building complex but it is unknown if he ever went in to the apartment. Rodney last spoke to family on 07/14/16.
First Name: Rodney
Last Name: Wunderlich


Age When Last Known Alive: 30
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 170.0 to


City: Lake Havasu City
State: Arizona
Zip: 86406
County: Mohave


Hair: Brown
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: scars on scalp, scar on left arm above elbow, scars under chin, scar on chin caused by his front teeth going through his skin
Tattoos: 'wunderlich' tattoo on upper back, several tattoos on both arms, 'primo' tattoo on left side of rib cage area, 'get high or get fucked' tattoo on left side of rib cage area, tattoo's on top of both feet that look like foot skeletal bones, tattoo across chest of a tornado carrying foods and seasonings because he was a chef at one time, tattoo on right front of stomach of a shield or crest
Piercings: both ears pierced, nipples pierced at one time, penis pierced at one time, tongue pierced at one time
Artificial Body Parts: steel rod and screws in left ankle
Finger And Toe Nails: right hand fingers had been previously smashed in a hydraulic press.
Skeletal Information: previously broken left arm above the wrist, previously broken right collarbone, previously broken left ankle with a steel rod and screws on it.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: kmart brand black skater style shoes, kmart brand steel toe tan colored hiking boots, black pants and shorts,
Accessories: camo colored backpack


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