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Edward Junitz Missing Person News and Details

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Edward Junitz Went Missing In Fort Pierce Florida in August 2002

Facial/case ID



Last seen alive: August 26, 2002

Circumstances: Edward was last heard from 8/26/2002 while sailing his 47-50' maroon and white sailboat in the vicinity of Puerto DePortivo, BenAlmadecia Spain. He was accompanied by his large black Labrador mix dog called 'Smitty.' He was enjoying his travels and was planning on sailing the yacht on to Barcelona Spain.
First Name: Edward
Last Name: Junitz


Age When Last Known Alive: 71
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Fort Pierce
State: Florida
County: Alachua


Hair: White
Head Hair: Receding
Body Hair: Some
Facial Hair: Some
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: many small scars on the upper body and scars on the back from surgery
Foreign Objects: 2 steel rods and Korean war shrapnel

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: nondescript
Footwear: nondescript tennis shoes or other shoes
Jewelry: watch - waterproof silver utilitarian
Eyewear: prescription glasses required bifocals / trifocals
Accessories: pocket knife - good quality, 2 blade, lockback, well maintained and sharp
black leather wallet with cash, ATM card, 1-2 credit cards, IL drivers license
US Passport


Vehicle Color: White and Maroo
Home built steel sailboat - 47-50' single mast sloop named 'Eddy'. 65' mast. Maroon, burgundy, red on the bottom. White deck and cabin. 1064311 was welded on a steel plate inside the engine room on the right wall. There is a smiley face by the name of the boat and it has an arrow in Both are in white. He may have been flying a Portuguese flag. The boat was well stocked for a long voyage.

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