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Rebecca Ann Crist Missing Person News and Details

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Rebecca Ann Crist Went Missing In Staunton Virginia in May 1988

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 03, 1988

Circumstances: left her West Beverley Street apartment shortly after lunch on May 3, 1988. Ann's family reported her missing on May 7, 1988. She'd last been seen walking west on West Beverley Street. She'd asked her sister to watch her toddler son.
She had lots of friends, even more acquaintances. They all cooperated with police when asked about where Ann might have gone, but there were few leads to follow. No threats had been reported. She hadn't had recent disagreements. She hadn't been unhappy. There was no indication of foul play.

First Name: Rebecca Ann
Middle Name: Ann
Last Name: Crist


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0
Weight: 115.0


City: Staunton
State: Virginia
County: Staunton City


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Red, long wavy hair
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Gray Jacket, Pink Blouse and blue jeans


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