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Kerry Melanya Rear Missing Person News and Details

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Kerry Melanya Rear Went Missing In Sanford Maine in January 2017

Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: January 22, 2017

Circumstances: Rear was last seen leaving the Lil’ Mart near the intersection of Main Street and County Club Road. She was last seen wearing a black puffy jacket with a hot pink hood liner, brown pants, and in stocking feet. She was wet and disorientated.
First Name: Kerry Melanya
Middle Name: Melanya
Last Name: Rear


Age When Last Known Alive: 40
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 135.0


City: Sanford
State: Maine
County: York


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Sunflower tattoo on left hip, Chain of Daisy’s on right ankle.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black puffy jacket with hot pink hood liner, brown pants.
Footwear: Stocking feet


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