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Bernadette Marie Caruso Missing Person News and Details

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Bernadette Marie Caruso Went Missing In Dundalk Maryland in September 1986

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: September 27, 1986 at 05:05

Circumstances: Bernadette Stevenson-Caruso was last seen at approximately 5:05pm at the Eastpoint Mall on North Point Rd. in Baltimore, MD. Bernadette had completed her work shift at The Shaws Jewelry store and was seen entering her car in the mall's parking lot at approximately 5:05 p.m. that day. She had told a co-worker that her estranged husband had called her and she was going to meet him to discuss something. Bernadette has never been heard from again.
First Name: Bernadette Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Caruso


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 190.0


City: Dundalk
State: Maryland
Zip: 21222
County: Baltimore


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown to Light Brown
Body Hair: Brown
Facial Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Beauty like mole on left cheek. Light complexion.

Piercings: Both ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black tank dress with pink tank top underneath the dress, pink belt, clear pantyhose, pink flat shoes, pink cotton jacket, carrying a bag containing a pink and black jacket in it.

Footwear: Pink flat shoes
Jewelry: Possibly wearing small earrings, 'Mickey Mouse' face watch or gold small band watch, and a gold necklace.
Accessories: Pink Belt, handbag color unknown.


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Cavalier
Year: 1982
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Light green
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag State: Maryland
The vehicle she was driving is also missing and is described as a jade green, four door, 1982 Chevrolet Cavalier with MD Lic.# FYW097. It had cloth seats with leather trim. There was a Saint Christopher statue on the dash. The vehicle has never been recovered.

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