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Nancy Marlene Snow Went Missing In Annapolis Maryland in November 1980

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID



Last seen alive: November 06, 1980

Circumstances: Nancy Snow disappeared after allegedly returning to Annapolis, Maryland on or about November 6, 1980.
She had flown from St. Louis, Missouri, where she had been temporally sent by her employers at the Republican National Committee during the Reagan/Bush Campaign, where she was a fund raiser for the campaign to elect McNary for Senator. The evening of November 5th, 1980 she flew to Baltimore Maryland, to attend a private party. She allegedly spent the night there in a motel after the party and had breakfast with the man whose party she had attended. After breakfast Snow waited with the man in his car until her temporary housesitter picked her up. He arrived driving a car, which one witness remembers to have been a type other than Snow's Turquoise V.W. convertible. The party host claimed that Nancy got out of his car, said good bye and got into the car driven by the housesitter. The party host claimed that Nancy told him she and the housesitter were to drive to Connecticut the next day. She was never seen or heard from again by her family.

First Name: Nancy Marlene
Middle Name: Marlene
Last Name: Snow


Age When Last Known Alive: 44
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 120.0


City: Annapolis
State: Maryland
County: Anne Arundel


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: short, graying dark brown hair. Shorter than collar len
Eye: Blue
Deformities: Snow was born with the two toes next to her big toes deformed. (Deformed second toes on each foot.)
Scars And Marks: scar abdomen
Skeletal Information: Nancy had broken her leg in several places in a ski accident a couple years before her disappearance. The family believes it was the right leg. Snow was born with the two toes next to her big toes deformed. She also was double jointed in both elbows. She had had three children.
Fractured lower right leg, fractured upper right leg, fractured right pelvis.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Light colored turtle neck and blue windbreaker
Footwear: Blue Docksiders
Jewelry: Snow always wore a Fega (a Brazilian protection/good luck charm shaped as a wrist with a hand in a fist with the thumb between the first and second knuckles) on a long thin gold chain. The Fega was a white stone with a gold band (see images page). Snow also always wore a gold bracelet (see images page).
Also may have been wearing a plain gold necklace.


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