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Kimberly Christine Mileo Went Missing In Croom Maryland in June 1983

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: June 09, 1983

Circumstances: At the time of her disappearance, Mileo lived with her father and her step mother in Kettering (Largo), Maryland. Mileo disappeared on June 9th, 1983 after leaving her boyfriend's house in Croom, Maryland at approximately 2:30 am. Mileo spent Wednesday, 8 June 1983 at the home of a girl friend. With them that day was Kim Mileo's boy friend, who lived with his parents only a mile up the road. The three of them spent part of the day sitting around the pool and later all three went for a drive in the rural setting of Croom, all arriving back at home later that afternoon. Croom is a small country village about 20 miles south of Washington DC. Her friend stated that Mileo and her boyfriend argued periodically during the day, but the disagreements were not serious. Mileo and her boyfriend departed from her friend's residence at approximately 11:00 PM and headed to his parents' home on Mount Calvert Road. Mileo's family became concerned when she did not return to their house in Kettering, Maryland the following morning. Her father phoned her boyfriend, who claimed that Mileo left his residence at approximately 2:30 AM on June 9. Her boyfriend's father supported his son's statement, saying that the broken muffler on Mileo's gray 1972 Chevrolet Vega with Maryland license tags ADG-075 woke him around that time. Mileo's vehicle was discovered locked and abandoned in the 16300 block of Croom Road on June 11, approximately ten miles from her boyfriend's house. Her boyfriend's brother and his friend located the car. The vehicle was headed in the opposite direction from Mileo's family's residence. Mileo's purse was inside and there were no apparent signs of a struggle or injury. The car was in a working condition. Foul play is suspected.
First Name: Kimberly Christine
Middle Name: Christine
Last Name: Mileo


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 59.0
Weight: 98.0


City: Croom
State: Maryland
County: Prince George's


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Light brown, shoulder length hair.
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Kimberly was last seen wearing a white tube top and black shorts.
Footwear: Kimberly was last seen wearing white sandals.
Accessories: Kimberly was carrying a white wind breaker jacket the last time she was seen.


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Vega
Year: 1972
Vehicle Color: Gray
Tag Number: ADG-075
Tag State: Maryland
Mileo's vehicle was discovered locked and abandoned in the 16300 block of Croom Road on June 11, 1983 approximately ten miles from her boyfriend's house.

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