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Sheree Marie Magaro Went Missing In Kentmore Park Maryland in February 1987

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: February 22, 1987

Circumstances: Magaro was last seen departing a friend's residence in Kentmore Park, Maryland on February 22, 1987 at approximately 9:45 PM.
Magaro was driving her 1976 gray four-door Ford Torino at the time. She was planning to drive back to her home in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that evening.
The night of her disappearance there was a severe snow storm in the area. On the next day her vehicle was found in a field 100 feet west of State Route 213, two and a half miles south of the Bohemia River Bridge, which is north of Cecilton.
Hair, blood and human tissue was found in the car which had been burned.
Even without a body, the medical examiner declared Magaro dead because of the amount of blood and brain matter found at the scene. The official cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. Police recovered Magaro's pocketbook, her driver's license and a tube of lipstick in the field. Months after the disappearance, a crew cleaning the roads recovered a credit card of Magaro's near White Hall Road about 10-11 miles north of where the car was found. Nothing else was recovered during a search of the area.
Investigators interviewed witnesses who remember driving past the field and seeing a Ford Mustang with Pennsylvania license plates and its hazard lights on. One witness told police she saw a man talking to a woman in a car that resembled Magaro's gray Torino. While investigators were still searching for clues at the crime scene, they learned a man had attempted to use Magaro's credit card at a Sears department store in Bel Air to buy a television. Because the credit card was maxed out, the clerk kept the card and the man left the store without saying much. Although the witnesses' descriptions of the men differ slightly, police believe the two men could be the same person.
Police determined the car could not have broken down. It was in perfect working order with nearly seven gallons of gasoline in the tank - more than enough to get her to Elkton where she normally stopped.
Magaro left behind a 4-year old son.

First Name: Sheree Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Magaro


Age When Last Known Alive: 30
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0 to
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Kentmore Park
State: Maryland
County: Kent


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Torino
Year: 1976
Vehicle Color: Gray
her vehicle was found in a field 100 feet west of State Route 213, two and a half miles south of the Bohemia River Bridge, which is north of Cecilton.

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