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Blake Wade Pursley Went Missing In Running Springs California in June 1994

Facial/case ID

Age progression


Last seen alive: June 27, 1994

Circumstances: Pursley was last seen June 27,1994. He was living at a residential youth facility the CEDU School, east of Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino. He started school June 1. He was last seen about 8 p.m. going out to the barn to check the animals. One staff member saw the light go on in the barn. But he didn't return to his dorm room for the 10 p.m. check-in and has not been seen since. He has limited use of his right arm and hand. He also needs medication twice a day to control seizures. Pursley functions at the level of a 9-year-old because of an accident as a small child and subsequent surgeries, he is not mentally retarded.
There have been sightings reported from Banning, Murrieta, Moreno Valley, Yucaipa, Redlands and Rialto. The boy's family has looked for him in California and in Colorado, thinking he might have tried to come home, as he was homesick.

Dental chart and X-rays available at CA DOJ-MUPS ( or Coroner Division. DNA (CODIS) available.

First Name: Blake Wade
Middle Name: Wade
Last Name: Pursley


Age When Last Known Alive: 14
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 65.0
Weight: 123.0 to


City: Running Springs
State: California
County: San Bernardino


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Deformities: Left leg 4' shorter than right leg.
Scars And Marks: Blake has two scars on the back of his head, one across his neck, one across his abdomen, and several on his chest. He also has scars on his left hip, left buttock, right knee, and back all due to surgeries he had when he was a child.
Skeletal Information: Left leg 4' shorter than right leg.

Clothing and Accessories


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