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John Alden Malloch Missing Person News and Details

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John Alden Malloch Went Missing In Waterville Maine in September 1965


Last seen alive: September 26, 1965

Circumstances: John Malloch was blind as a result of injuries suffered in World War II. He was staying with an acquaintance at a residence in Waterville and left to get some air on the evening of 9/26/65 and was never seen again. Searches were conducted for Malloch on 9/27/65 and again in spring of 1966, however he was never located. Malloch was declared dead in 1972 so his estate could be settled.
First Name: John Alden
Middle Name: Alden
Last Name: Malloch


Age When Last Known Alive: 47
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 182.0


City: Waterville
State: Maine
County: Kennebec


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: shirt, trousers
Footwear: Bedroom slippers
Eyewear: Thick glasses


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