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Jodie Brooke Anderson Missing Person News and Details

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Jodie Brooke Anderson Went Missing In Nashville Tennessee in June 2017

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: June 06, 2017

Circumstances: Jodie Anderson's family and friends have not heard from her since 06/06/2017. She was previously very active on her Facebook page 'Brookiee Flexiee Rookiee' but has made no posts, nor has she responded to any inbox messages since then.
First Name: Jodie Brooke
Middle Name: Brooke
Last Name: Anderson


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Nashville
State: Tennessee
Zip: 37207
County: Davidson


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: 'Daughter of a King' on her chest
Piercings: both ears pierced
upper lip is pierced

Clothing and Accessories


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