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David E. Gosnell Missing Person News and Details

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David E. Gosnell Went Missing In Versailles Kentucky in November 2015

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: November 09, 2015

Circumstances: Mr. Gosnell's wife stated that she return home on 11/23/2015 after being out of town for two and a half months. She stated that he had been calling her daily. The last day she heard from him was 11/9/2015. She stated that she has tried to contact him on his cell phone several times and it only goes to voicemail.
First Name: David E.
Middle Name: E.
Last Name: Gosnell


Age When Last Known Alive: 62
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Versailles
State: Kentucky
Zip: 40383
County: Woodford


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Length reaches below the shoulders.
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Six inch scar in the middle of the back.
Tattoos: Flower on the upper right part of the chest.

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Jeep
Vehicle Model: Cherokee
Year: 1994
Style: Hatchback
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Number: 321 AFH
Tag State: Kentucky
Expiration Year: 2016

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