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Israel Sky Whalen Missing Person News and Details

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Israel Sky Whalen Went Missing In Carlisle Pennsylvania in November 2017

Facial/case ID
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Israel 'Izzy' Whalen

Facial/case ID
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Asian tattoo on inner left forearm

Public viewable
Crown of thorns tattoo wraps around right forearm just below the elbow

Actual photo
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Izzy's glasses

Actual photo
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Last seen alive: November 10, 2017

Circumstances: Israel 'Izzy' worked at an inventory control business (WIS International). He would drive his car to his workplace which is located in Schuylkill Haven, PA (about 10 minutes from our house in Orwigsburg, PA). He and his other co-workers would then get in vans and travel to a different worksite each day. These worksites are usually a few hours away. On Friday, November 10. 2017 he drove to his employer's and hopped in a van going to Carlisle, PA to take inventory for Spirit Halloween. At 12:42pm they were dismissed for a 30 minute lunch. He told coworkers he was going to get food from Red Robin Restaurant which was in the same shopping center as Spirit Halloween. He ordered a burger for take-out and paid for his food. He was told to wait for his order and they would bring it out to him. He asked the location of the bathroom. When the burger was ready they could not find Izzy. When the lunchbreak was over, his co-workers could not find him. They searched the Target, Starbucks, etc in the area and eventually left the worksite without him. His manager contacted the Carlsile State Police as this was uncharacteristic of his behavior. He didn't have coat that day also left his cell phone at home. The next morning I found a cryptic note in his room written. The note expressed that he wishes he was never born. He suffers from depression, anxiety, and bipolar.
First Name: Israel Sky
Middle Name: Sky
Last Name: Whalen


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Carlisle
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 17013-3117
County: Cumberland


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: full head of hair
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Huge scar starting a few inches below his elbow up to the top of his right arm.
Tattoos: Asian symbol on his inner left forearm
Burning bush with wording underneath on his right tricep
Crown of thorns that wraps around his forearm a few inches below his elbow

Other Distinctive: he is very thin

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: He was wearing black pants and a black short-sleeved polo shirt with a WIS International on the front and a large WIS symbol on the back. He also had on a long sleeved shirt underneath the polo.
Footwear: Black sneakers with black shoe laces
Eyewear: Black rimmed 'Buddy Holly' style glasses


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