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James Arthur Cole Missing Person News and Details

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James Arthur Cole Went Missing In Severna Park Maryland in April 1994

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: April 11, 1994

Circumstances: James Cole was last seen in Severna Park, MD during the early morning hours on April 11, 1994. On the night of his disappearance, Cole had been drinking and singing karaoke at the Shangri'La Restaurant and the Gingerbread Man with his brother, Jeff. Police said Jeff Cole last saw his brother at 10 p.m. at the Gingerbread Man. James Cole was seen leaving the bar alone around 1:30 a.m. on April 11, 1994, visibly intoxicated. He has not been heard from since.
First Name: James Arthur
Middle Name: Arthur
Last Name: Cole


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 66.0
Weight: 140.0


City: Severna Park
State: Maryland
County: Anne Arundel


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: brown/dirty blond, shoulder-length
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: He has a tattoo of a black widow spider on his forearm.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: a green rugby shirt, 'Levi'jeans
Footwear: beige and black sport shoes
Accessories: Green 'Loyola' baseball cap


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Ultraz4: No one believes my husband that around the same time, some rental neighbors below us on Emerson Place in Severna Park, dug a hole about six feet deep and wide enough for body...that they were drug usesers...and went in house and stopped when husband saw them only later planted tomato wasn't long after that we saw the signs up gas station about disappearance .
01 10, 2014 | 01:59
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