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James William Mitchell Missing Person News and Details

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James William Mitchell Went Missing In Arvada Colorado in December 2017

Actual photo
Public viewable
Colorado DL photo

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 14, 2017

Circumstances: James' vehicle was found abandoned off of 10th and Vasquez in Golden, Colorado. The truck struck a stationary railroad car. James is believed to have injuries due to the traffic accident as blood was found inside the vehicle. He was also recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. James walked away from the vehicle which was reported to be in an accident at 0200 hours on 12/14/17.
First Name: James William
Middle Name: William
Last Name: Mitchell


Age When Last Known Alive: 87
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 165.0 to


City: Arvada
State: Colorado
Zip: 80003
County: Jefferson


Hair: White
Head Hair: Crew cut style hair cut
Body Hair: Moderate chest hair
Facial Hair: Moderate chest hair
Eye: Blue
Amputations: Amputated pinky finger (unk which hand)
Tattoos: Tattoo of a rose on outer ankle (unk which ankle)
Piercings: Three ear piercings in left ear

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: May be wearing: Dark blue fleece vest; Short sleeved printed shirt; Khaki pants
Footwear: Black shoes
Jewelry: Multiple bracelets on wrists
Eyewear: Wears reading glasses but he did not have them with him


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Corsica
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag State: Colorado
Victim's son observed the Vehicle was parked at victim's residence at 5pm on 12/14/17
Airline: N/A
Bus: N/A

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