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Chinh Quoc Doan Went Missing In Glen Burnie Maryland in December 2017

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Last seen alive: December 21, 2017

Circumstances: Gene disappeared from the Canton Waterfront Park in Baltimore on the evening of Thursday, 21 December 2017. He had ostensibly gone there to fish and would have arrived around 10:00 or 10:30 PM. He’s 52 and, when he left, he was wearing an assortment of light jackets, one of which was a light green in color, as well as some gray or maybe brown pants that looked like they were quick-drying. His car was found in the parking lot there but there has been no sign of Gene.
First Name: Chinh Quoc
Middle Name: Quoc
Last Name: Doan


Age When Last Known Alive: 52
Race: Asian or Pacific Isl
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 64.0 to
Weight: 155.0 to


City: Glen Burnie
State: Maryland
Zip: 21060
County: Anne Arundel


Hair: Black
Head Hair: About 2 inches in length with some gray. Generally sticks out like the head of a dandelion.
Body Hair: Little
Facial Hair: Little
Eye: Black
Scars And Marks: Scar along head from above left eye toward back of left ear. Long scar along abdomen.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: An assortment of light jackets, one of them green in color, and active wear-style pants brown in color (or perhaps gray).
Footwear: White sneakers
Jewelry: Black plastic watch.
Eyewear: None


Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: Avalon
Year: 2006
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Aluminum/Silver
Vehicle was located.

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