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Moriah Danielle Ludwig Missing Person News and Details

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Moriah Danielle Ludwig Went Missing In Gulfport Mississippi in October 2014

Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: October 31, 2014

Circumstances: Moriah was recently reported missing by family who has not seen or heard from her since about 2014. The most recent date of contact that has been confirmed by Law Enforcement is 10/31/2014. Investigation is ongoing.
First Name: Moriah Danielle
Middle Name: Danielle
Last Name: Ludwig


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0 to
Weight: 90.0 to


City: Gulfport
State: Mississippi
County: Harrison


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Moriah's natural hair color is dark brown/black. However, she has been known to color it lighter. See photographs.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on abdomen
Tattoos: Upper Right Arm- large design w/ 'LOVE'
Right Forearm- Jordan symbol
Right hand near thumb- appears to be a vine
Right breast/chest area- Bow with a cross (?)

Skeletal Information: Moriah is bi-racial: 1/2 Black and 1/2 White

Clothing and Accessories


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