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Dakota Carmen Hamilton Missing Person News and Details

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Dakota Carmen Hamilton Went Missing In Santa Barbara California in December 1996

Facial/case ID

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Last seen alive: December 08, 1996

Circumstances: Dakota was allegedly abducted by her mother, Raquel Diego Lopez Hamilton. A felony warrant was issued for Raquel on September 5, 2001. They may have left the country and traveled to Spain. Dakota's nicknames are DiDi and Cody. The abductor has a tattoo of flowers on her left ankle and she may use the alias last name Lopez or Diego.
First Name: Dakota Carmen
Middle Name: Carmen
Last Name: Hamilton


Age When Last Known Alive: 1
Race: Other
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height: 36.0
Weight: 35.0


City: Santa Barbara
State: California
County: Alameda


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Light brown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


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