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Ajah Mone' Blackledge Missing Person News and Details

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Ajah Mone' Blackledge Went Missing In Hoover Alabama in January 2018

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Recent photo taken by mother

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Last seen alive: January 29, 2018 at 08:33

Circumstances: Ajah was last seen by her mother on 1/29/2018 just before the mother left for work. At approximately 8:30am Ajah made several purchases on her debit card, and an ATM withdrawal. Since the 29th there has been no further financial activity. There was also no cell phone activity leading up to 2/7/2018. On 2/7/2018 Ajah's cell phone hit on a tower in Hollywood, FL. Since 2/7/18 there has been no further cell activity. The reason behind Ajah's disappearance is unknown. Any information about her whereabouts is requested.
First Name: Ajah Mone'
Middle Name: Mone'
Last Name: Blackledge


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: Black/African Americ
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 120.0 to


City: Hoover
State: Alabama
Zip: 35216
County: Jefferson


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Ajah has always worn wigs, so it's unknown what her hair color could be along with the length of hair
Body Hair: NA
Facial Hair: NA
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Brown/grey jacket with a zipper on the left side of the chest. She also had a red lanyard around her neck that she typically keeps her school ID and keys on. Also has large 'aviator' style sunglasses
Footwear: Unknown
Eyewear: Aviator style sunglasses


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Fusion
Year: 2008
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Gold
Tag Number: 1BK1358
Tag State: Alabama
Expiration Year: 2018

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