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Nancy Moyer Missing Person News and Details

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Nancy Moyer Went Missing In Tenino Washington in March 2009

Facial/case ID


Facial/case ID


Facial/case ID






Last seen alive: March 06, 2009 at 06:45

Circumstances: Fri., March 6, 2009, Nancy Moyer got off work from her job as a financial analyst for the State of Washington. She drove a co worker home.
She stopped at Thriftway Market in Tenino, WA, for a few items.
Her check was written at 6:45p.m., March 6, 2009.
Her two girls were to be with their dad for the weekend.
Sun., March 8, between 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., her seperated husband of two years, brought their daughters back to her home.
The front door was ajar. The girls ran into the house.
Nancy was nowhere to be found.
The tv was on. The living lights were on. A glass of red wine was on the coffee table. The bedroom bedside lamp was on.
All Nancy's i.d. were still there. Her purse, her car keys, her wallet were all in the house.
Her car was parked out front.
She was reported missing around 5:00 p.m., March 8, 2009.

Nancy's house was isolated. There was no neighbor directly next door. Her house was situated across from a railway yard.

Searches turned up no sign of Nancy.
Her co workers go out every Sat. and search for her.

Police consider this missing/possible foul play.
Police feel she has been missing since Fri. evening.

First Name: Nancy
Last Name: Moyer


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 59.0 to
Weight: 120.0


City: Tenino
State: Washington
Zip: 98589
County: Thurston


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Brownish black.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: On right knee.
Tattoos: Tattoo: Arm, right upper: Armband with stars, hearts and flowers.
Lower Back: Butterfly.
Upper Back: Doublemint and Juicyfruit with flowers and hearts.
Left Hip: Hisbiscus
Right Hip: Bunny
Tattoo: Right Foot: Cherries with A and S initials.

Piercings: Ears

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Honda
Vehicle Model: Civic, Civic De
Vehicle Color: White
Tag State: Washington
Year and make of Honda car unknown.

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